Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
You know what!? I'm GLAD almost anything I can purchase at the supermarket is made out of corn.
Because corn is delicious.
You think I give two shits that the tilapia I just ate was farm-fed Orville Redenbacher?
That's EXACTLY why it tasted so good!
Good grief, America. I wish you'd stop sabotaging taste with your activism.
Monday, February 22, 2010
It’s a well-known fact that the only people in the world who play mahjong are old Jewish women.
It’s a less well-known fact that old Jewish women are the smartest people in the world. How do I know this?
As an aging Jewish woman myself, I can feel myself waking up smarter every day.
In fact, this post is essentially about how smart I am.
I am really smart.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Belief is a really hard concept to pinpoint; it means something slightly, if not radically, different to everyone.
Suffice it to say, belief has caused much strife around the world - war, bloodshed, and philosophy.
So why, we ask ourselves, have CATS managed to live such relatively peaceful lives!?!?!
It's because CATS JUST DON'T GIVE A FUCK. They believe in NOTHING.
Oh readers, I'm SO confused: Is it better to curl up like a calico and just not give a fuck,or is "belief" the white ma... I mean,human's burden?
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
1. The quality or state of being entirely above the created universe.
2. The act of taking your lady in the bu... nay, in "bullet time" (see The Matrix), while focusing intently on her brown-eye.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
According to Google Images, THIS is what the ongoing struggle against globalization will look like:

We've got some rough times ahead of us.
Friday, February 5, 2010

FUCK walking a mile in someone else’s shoes; you never really know a person until you’ve shared a fridge with him.
Which begs the question: “What would happen to conflict-resolution conventions if we forced clashing parties to share the icebox?”
Ahmadinejad and Netanyahu are forced to share a vegetable crisper. What happens?
They quickly come to understand that deep down, we as human beings all really desire the same things.
Crisp lettuce and a clean fucking fridge.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Yes, feminism. We all hate it - but do we actually know what it means?
Type "Feminism" into the Google search bar, and you come out with this:

Now I don't know about you - and frankly, you don't matter in this equation, anyway - but I'm fairly certain that THIS IS THE FACE OF THE FOURTH WAVE!
The child, though white, is so white that she actually claims minority status. In her childhood naivete, she tilts her head to the sky and asks, "Oh god above, is there a better place out there for really, really white people like me?"
Her doll, the only person in the world who will give her the time of day, obediently responds, "HEIL! ... I mean, YES, I AM A POWER LESBIAN!"
And so as you can see, things are a'changing. The Fourth Wave will not only place pasty white people (PWP) on the Axis of Oppression Map - which I've heard is going to become available on most new GPS systems - but ALSO defy antiquated lesbian doll stereotypes.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
There’s not too much you need to know about me except that I’m short – five feet on a good day – extremely smart, good looking, and, oh yeah, on a quest to crack the human condition.
This quest has taken me on quite the roller coaster ride. Over the past five months, I’ve completed an ethnographic study on Eskimos, followed and psychoanalyzed over 10,000 Twitter sex-bots, and locked myself, along with the entire cast of the
Yes, I’ve certainly done an impressive lot these past couple months, but nothing’s granted me more insight into the human condition than my cocaine-induced (JK, heroin) Google Image search binge.
It all started with “Jenny Jones” – you know,
“PROVOCATIVE,” I thought.“Perhaps Google Image searches hold the key to the human condition!”
And alas, my friends, it turns out they do ... They do WAY HARD.
So I suggest you start ditching what you thought you knew.(If that means burning all of your diaries dating back to first grade, DO IT.)Because up until now – that is, without my benevolent intervention – you’ve been subscribing to an Ask Jeeves-level worldview. Lowly. Filthy. Puerile.
But this, my friends, THIS is the Google Image worldview. Elevated. Superior. Flawless.
THIS, my friends, is MEIN GOOGLE.