Like Haley Joel Osmont in the days of yore*, I too have a sixth sense.
I don't know how to say this properly, and I'll probably never be able to say it without offending higher education, BUT.
I see minority status.
Really. Everywhere I go, I can't help but notice race, gender, class ... even when I'm not wearing my infrared stealth goggles!
Everyone's telling me it's wrong, but is it?
It seems to me that our tools of perception have become so watered-down by the rush for political correctness, that we've altogether forgotten the human form.
Honestly, how many of you can still distinguish a homo sapien from a tree? ... And you call this progress?
Perhaps I've got it backwards, but at the end of the day, I truly feel all the wiser for knowing who to fuck, and who to deforest.
*What ever happened to the little Mr? My sources tell me that he ditched playing leukemia patients to get fat and smoke weed with NYU students.
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